Saturday, August 31, 2013

Six tips for sun safety from our latest giveaway

  1. Hat and sunscreen! And make sure to reapply sunscreen as necessary!
  2. “If your baby hates hats, like my own, I like to cover her hair in coconut oil as its a natural sunscreen and I dont have to worry about it clumping up hair and getting down to her scalp.”
  3. Always put sunscreen on at least 30 minutes before leaving the house or getting in the sun.
  4. Stay indoors between 10 am and 2 pm and wear a shirt over sunscreen if you are out at that time.
  5. Wear full lightweight cotton clothes.
  6. Make sure to check the UV rating for the day, keep the kiddos out of the sun during the high points and drink lots of WATER, not just fluid.

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