Monday, September 23, 2013

3 Pregnancy Myths: Busted! Guest Blog Post from founder of mama2b - a Fit BumpBundle featured product!

goals for a healthy pregnancy vary from mama to mama, but here are 3 common prego myths busted:

myth #1: exercise might harm my baby
false! in fact, studies have found that active moms have babies with healthier hearts, lower birth weights and risk of childhood obesity, and bonus, are a tad bit smarter!  aim for 30 minutes of cardio per day and yes, walking counts. add in strength training at least 2-3 times per week, whether it be in the weight room or pop in a prental pilates dvd.  

myth #2: i need to eat a lot more to support the baby’s growth
nope! your body only needs about an extra 300 calories per day to provide your baby with adequate nutrients. choose healthy options like a small apple with ¼ cup walnuts, a banana with 2 tbsp peanut butter, or 15 blue corn tortilla chips with ¼ cup guacamole.  

myth #3: i need to take it easy and relax while i’m pregnant 
well, kinda.  while you do need to keep stress levels low, get adequate sleep, and listen to your bod, being pregnant doesn’t mean you kick up your feet and watch daytime television all day long and count trips to the bathroom as exercise. research shows you will gain less weight, have a quicker delivery, and bounce back to your pre-baby bod faster if you’re a moving momma, not a sofa warmer.

consult your doc as obviously these may not apply if you’ve been put on bed rest (poor thing). the important thing is this: being active during your pregnancy and eating healthy is good for you and baby.  so congrats on your growing baby bump – and go get those goals!

About Angela Manzanares:
Creator of  fitbook™ fitness + nutrition journals, Angela Manzanares embraces the fit life and has a passion for positively influencing the lives of others. Based out of Orange County, California, her company fitlosophy, inc. is on a mission to inspire people of all ages to live a healthy, active lifestyle by motivating and supporting them with innovative products, to redefine how people integrate fitness into their lifestyle, and to change the shape of our world – literally.

Check out the Fit BumpBundle featuring fitbook™ - on sale now!

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