Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Guest Blog Post from Imagine Baby: 5 Sun Safety Tips & The Shade Giveaway!

Fully Covered – Five Sun-Smart Ways To Protect Little Ones From UV Ray 
By Lauren Lang, Founder of Imagine Baby 

By now, most adults have incorporated the practice of safe sun protection into their daily routines. But when it comes to babies, many parents don’t realize the places where unwanted or unexpected sun exposure may occur, such as when babies are sitting in the infant car seat.

Babies have delicate skin and require extra defenses from the sun, but the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies under 6 months old be kept out of direct sunlight and that sunscreen should only be used if no other protection is available. So parents need to take extra measures to ensure their baby’s skin is not directly exposed to the sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays.  In addition to melanoma, a form of skin cancer, sun exposure can also result in sunburn, heat rash, and overheating. 

A few “sun smart” tips for babies include:

  • While many strollers and car seats come with canopies, those canopies do not sufficiently keep babies entirely shaded – often leaving their feet and legs in direct sunlight. A protective infant car seat canopy such as The Shade will ensure that baby is surrounded by shade on all sides. 
  • Until babies are past the six month mark, sunscreen is not recommended as its formulation – even organic – may have an adverse reaction to the delicate skin of babies. A hat with a flap is a great way to protect little faces, necks, and ears from the sun. Loose, lightweight cotton clothing is also a good way to keep babies covered without overheating.
  • The sun is strongest between 11am and 3pm – a great time to schedule naps indoors or in a shaded area. Don’t be fooled by clouds – clouds are not shade and do not provide sun protection.
  • Babies are not too little to wear sunglasses – you can find ones with a head strap so they stay in place.
  • It may seem too hot for socks – but socks will keep little feet protected. Always keep an extra pair in your diaper bag or under the stroller incase one gets kicked off.

Lauren Lang is the founder of Imagine Baby, a company creating products that make parents’ lives easier.  Imagine Baby’s inaugural product, The Shade, is a first-of-its kind infant car seat canopy that provides UPF 50+ protection against the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays, other outside elements and germs. Lauren is also a mom who created this product based on unmet needs with her own children when they were in their infant car seat. The Shade can be purchased at various online retailers and specialty baby stores nationwide at www.imaginebaby.com.
Now who wants The Shade for themself? Imagine Baby is generously providing one Shade to a winner of the following Rafflecopter giveaway! You choose the color. Entrants must be in the USA. Thanks and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Hat and sunscreen! And make sure to reapply sunscreen as necessary!

  2. Sunscreen lotiona dn hat,also wear full lightweight cotton clothes

  3. no sunscreen or hat. just dont have kiddos or yourself in the sun after 10 am or before 5 pm. sunshine is a good thing, its how we product vitamin C and our body uses bad fats to process sun rays into vitamins d and k. however, this is an excellent thing for providing that security babies love.

  4. Make sure to check the UV rating for the day, keep the kiddos out of the sun during the high points and drink lots of WATER not just fluid.

  5. My family is full of red heads. Suncare is very important to us. ALWAYS use sunscreen every day and reapply often. Stay indoors between 10 and 2 and wear a shirt over sunscreen if you are out at that time. Hats help also

  6. We always put sunscreen at least 30 minutes before we leave the house or get in the sun!

  7. Wear sunscreen and a hat, if your baby hates hats, like my own, I like to cover her hair in coconut oil as its a natural sunscreen and I dont have to worry about it clumping up hair and getting down to her scalp.

  8. Sunscreen!! But for my baby, I also got a hat with a big bill and a flap that covers the ears and neck!

  9. Always put sunscreen on. Even if you are only going out for a little bit.

  10. Always a nice layer of sunscreen, keeping hydrated and covered with a hat or loose dress :] With my pale skin keeping the suns harmful rays away is a necessity.
