Monday, August 19, 2013

30 pieces of advice for mom-to-be and new moms!

See below for some great advice we collected during our Pampered Preggers Bundle Giveaway, which was hosted right here on Baby Bump Bundle Blog and on too!

1.    Nap when the baby naps.
2.    Use fenugreek seeds to increase milk production.
3.    Take others advice into consideration but at the end of the day your judgment is the best decision maker.
4.    My advice to a new mom is to sleep whenever you can and enjoy your babies when they are little because they grow so fast.
5.    Learn as you go.
6.    Try to still make time to go out with friends whenever you can.
7.    Best advice is to not worry so much about what you did not get done. Cleaning is always there.
8.    Accept the help that is offered! You'll have plenty of time later to be independent, savor time with baby while still young.
9.    Advice to mom: Make a sign for your door that says, "New Family Acclamation in Process. Thank you for stopping by, please leave food/ gifts at door. Will call you when ready for visitors." And for those who visit and ask what they can do, post a list on your refrigerator, that way when they ask what they can do to help, you can point them to the list & let them have their pick. :)
10.    Know how to delegate responsibility and do so. Don't try to be super mom, you will burn out and not enjoy your experience of being a new mom.
11.    Enjoy your pregnancy and be sure that you work together with your family!
12.    My best advice is to be patient, buy lots of onesies and swaddle, swaddle, swaddle!
13.     Don't stress it takes time to learn everything.
14.    Best advice: trust your instincts you know your child best.
15.    My best advice is to relax during pregnancy, ask for help where you need it, and wear comfy shoes!
16.    Remember to take some time to yourself to breathe! 5 minutes alone can make a world of difference.
17.    Don’t sweat the small stuff.
18.    Get used to messes, they never go away!
19.    Never COMPARE yourself to any other family!
20.    Take things one day at a time – trust yourself and your instincts! Make time for yourself as well.
21.    My best advice would be is sleep when baby sleeps! so cliche, but it works!
22.    You are never given more than you can handle just breathe.
23.    Housework can wait!
24.    Take time for yourself and just relax with your baby there is no time like the now. Nothing is as important as they are.
25.    All the advice everyone gives you, isn’t going to be the best for you. Find out what works for you and do it!
26.    Stay calm and relax it will all come to you naturally.
27.    Trust your instincts…
28.    Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether its cooking, cleaning, nursing…just ask!
29.    Just enjoy the ride, don’t stress too much. Listen to your own body and baby.
30.    If people offer to help, take them up on it!

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