Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What to Wear Wednesday: 6 uses for a moms scarf

In our bundles, we love to include a scarf, no matter what trimester it is. They add so much style to an outfit and also help to keep you comfy and confident during and well after pregnancy. But sometimes the fashionable accessory can also be helpful in certain situations! 
  1. Cover your bump- when you are not quite ready to tell the world about your baby on the way (hello-three month rule!), a scarf can draw attention away from your growing belly and people will notice your fun colorful scarf instead. Whether you are trying to hide your bump from your boss or from nosy neighbors, this way you can tell people when you are ready to tell them. We like to include one in our first trimester bundle for this very reason!
  2. Nursing cover- we love a feminine nursing cover like the Udder Covers we have in our BreastfeedingBundle. But when you need to pump or nurse at unexpected times, just throw the scarf across your body and the pump/baby for privacy and it will do the trick just fine!
  3. Stroller cover- there are many ways to protect your baby from the sun in the stroller including using a scarf! Drape the scarf right across and voila- your baby can have a nice nap in the shade, without being burned by the sun’s rays.
  4. Blanket- speaking of the stroller, for a little extra warmth in the stroller or car seat, the scarf can be tucked over the babies chilly legs when you are on the go and don’t have a blanket handy.
  5. Baby Mat- When you visit with a friend or go to a place that doesn’t have a mat or blanket or anything ready for baby to lay on the floor, couch, chair or wherever, use your over sized scarf for the baby to lounge on, on any surface!
  6. For clean up- though not ideal, you can totally use your scarf to lay down your baby for a quick diaper change or to wipe up a little drool, milk, or spit up, that is sure to creep out of baby’s mouth! That’s what laundry is good for! 

In case you missed it:

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