Friday, July 19, 2013

Guest Blog Post: The Lola Project Needs Your Help!

Britney dropped in today on our blog to share more about The Lola Project!
“With mental illness affecting 1 in 4 Americans (roughly 57.7 million people) ages 18 and older, and it commonly going unnoticed, untreated, or looked upon as taboo, we as a national community, need to band together to support the education and resources needed to understand this epidemic of an illness as well as stomp out the stigma attached with it. Furthermore, we must encourage the utilization of resources available to help effectively treat, prevent, and/or deter any tragedies that may stem from the misunderstanding or lack of treatment of someone who suffers from mental illness,” she explains about the mission of her organization.

Their goal is to “educate the public about mental illness/health, how to understand it, the countless and remarkable benefits of psychiatric service and therapy dogs, as well as raise funds to support the progress of our goals and mission; including first-handedly developing a module for effectively raising and training psychiatric service and therapy dogs (like Lola, our first puppy in this program) to be used specifically for animal assisted therapy, educating the public on mental illness, providing therapeutic services, and much more.” 

How can you help?

Get involved! If you are in the Hudson Valley area of New York, The Lola Project will be attending and co-hosting many different events throughout the area including:

  • Pet expos
  • Mental Health Awareness Walks
  • Wine Fests
  • Family days
  • And much more!

What if you don’t live in the area?  
They are accepting donations of money, goods from small businesses, and selling raffle tickets!

They said:  “Currently we have a "Grow" With Us Raffle Basket that goes with us to all events, with each entry towards the basket at ONLY $1.00, or 6 for $5. The draw date is October 19, 2013, with 20% of ALL raffle ticket sales to be donated to Crate Escape Inc. Animal Rescue and the remaining funds raised will help us further our goal and make it possible to provide a greater service to those in our community and eventually reach nationwide,” she explains. 

“Visit our secure GoFundMe platform at, for pictures of the basket's contents, a running tally of funds raised as well as updates as to what is going on with the basket” she said.

“Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!”

Britney and Lola

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