Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I love you UPPAbaby customer service....

When I worked in sales we used to say that if somebody had a good meal they told 3 people and if they had a bad one they told 10. I feel the same goes for customer service. With that in mind I wanted to take the time to say thank you to UPPAbaby for being awesome.

To start at the beginning I did more research on strollers than practically anything else in my life...more than my wedding dress! I felt that it was a major investment and something I was planning on using a lot and for a long time. My husband was a big fan of the City Mini GT (it would seem lots of celebrities like it too as Miranda Kerr and Ivanka Trump have been spotted pushing this stroller around New York). It is perfect for city life, compact and it can be closed with one hand which is helpful when holding baby and negotiate apartment doors.

When a friend gave us a Baby Jogger it made me question whether the City Mini still made sense for us. So we returned to our local baby store, again, and this time we were not leaving without a stroller! It was actually two comments by one of the staff at Isis that pushed us over the edge. She was actually a City Mini owner and a fan but did say that the basket of the Vista was huge and perfect for shopping (which it is!) and secondly her son is constantly pulling himself forward in the City seat. The Vista seat can be rear or forward facing AND is adjustable. I have found this so useful when Hugh falls asleep in the stroller; I tip the seat back so his head/neck are comfortable.

I had two other reasons that I was willing to spend this much money on a stroller (it is in the top 5 most expensive thing I have ever purchased). It came with a bassinet which is safe for overnight sleeping. If my son actually slept anywhere besides on me when he was a baby this is what I was planning on using. I have met a lot of people, especially those in cities, who have used this as their crib for months!
Last but not least you can add a second seat! Not only that you can have two seats and a PiggyBack if you have an independent little one who only wants to ride along occasionally. We would like to add to our family sooner rather than later and I loved the idea of not having to buy another stroller within a couple of years.

And now to get to the point of my post...apologies for making a short story long! Up until now I have been really happy with my decision to invest in the Vista. However, given my recent experience with their customer service I am officially their biggest fan. We just flew to Ireland and checked the stroller at the gate (without any protection for the stroller which we can all blame my husband for since he thought it was a waste of money). Anyway on the way over the airline broke the latch on the seat that secures it to the frame and on the return flight ripped the handlebar protector. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. I contacted the airline once we landed in Dublin and have yet to hear back from them. I reached out to UPPAbaby once we returned to the States. Within 15 minutes of sending the email Stacey at their customer service had responded and after sending them my information of purchase etc. I was told to stop in at their headquarters at my convenience (I live near their HQ which was another reason I went with them...support local business at every opportunity).

I assumed that I would drop the stroller off and pick it up in a few weeks. Nope! I waited for a few minutes and a nice young gentleman showed up, took a look at the seat and the handlebar and off he went. Five minutes later he returned with the seat fixed and a replacement handlebar. As I was walking away I mentioned that one of the wheels had buckled (completely our fault) and he said to hold on and replaced the two wheels and that was it! 

To be honest I was in complete shock and very, very impressed with everyone I interacted with and how they handled the situation. They were relaxed, informative and a joy to deal with. Obviously I will be buying their travel case for future trips and will absolutely purchase their umbrella stroller, probably the G-Lite, when I need something smaller.


  1. Wow, that is some seriously good customer service. Brands with service that good always get my loyalty! You don't always find it. : ) Dropping by from the Bloggy Moms hop. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Heading over to your page now too! And yes - good customer service goes a long way :)
