Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Baby Hugh loves...sleeping through the night FINALLY!

Since my son was born I have told him every morning that he is the perfect child and he would be only more perfect if he slept through the night. And when it finally happened a week ago I was a little freaked out. I continued to wake up on his "normal" schedule and checked the baby monitor to make sure he was still in his crib! As a side note I am a huge fan of video monitors...this is the one we have and it has been really helpful the last year and even more so this past week.

The first night it happened I checked the volume on the monitor to make sure it was on. I actually started to get anxious so used the two way functionality to sing his favorite song Twinkle Twinkle. He moved around but stayed sleeping so his parents decided to do the same.

So why now? Like any good sports fan I am not opposed to being superstitious. Hugh wore his new cozy pajamas for the first time that night so obviously that was the reason behind this new major step.

Purchased in Ireland by his grandmother they are made of a lovely soft fleece and if he is anything like his mother and his grandmother he loves to be cozy. When the cozy pajamas were in the laundry others were put to the test and failed. He woke up once during that night but put himself back to sleep pretty quickly (thanks again video monitor...I could see that he was lying down and just crying in his sleep for a couple of minutes).  Needless to say more of these pajamas are on there way from Ireland.

Maybe this was my son's way of wishing his parents a happy one year anniversary of his birth. If so it is the best present he could have given.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post!! =) I found you on the link up! The routine, same PJ's, etc. really does work! Glad you guys are getting some sleep and here's to hoping it continues!

    Jill @ youmeandcapri.com
