Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Sunday Social Link-Up

This Weeks Questions:
What is the name of your blog? 

Baby Bump Bundle Blog &

Eat and Sip in the City

What do you love most about blogging?

Researching, writing, learning new things, trying tons of products, going to events, meeting people, taking so many photos, networking, helping people get new ideas…I could go on and on!

Why did you start blogging?

As a writer on Examiner, I needed to stick to just my assigned topic of Boston food, so I started a blog to do posts about everything outside that topic from travel, to what I was eating at home (instead of just local restaurants), to my own recipes, to fashion finds and my favorite food photos!

Now here we are years later with a company blog for Baby Bump Bundle as well, and we wanted to have a place to share firsthand mom stories from co-founder Mairead, maternity style tips, gift ideas, recipes, fitness advice, product info about the brands in our bundles, host giveaways to show some love to our business fans, and get to know moms and customers in our network!

What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world?

Don’t compare yourself to others, decide what you want the blog to be whether it is for fun or you are looking to turn it into a business, have a good time and try not to stress about it, and write often!

Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had?

The more you hop onto other blogs and chat and comment, the more love you will get back on your own! Have fun with it and join blog hops and learn something and someone new all the time!

What are three blogs you love? 

Gosh, there are too many to mention that we absolutely love and adore, because we have had SO many great bloggers work with us to review our products this past year and have had the opportunity to read along about their pregnancies right through their blogs! Plus we have had guest blog posters and cross promotions and giveaways with so many great bloggers (and businesses) too! But I will break it down to three for the sake of the question, by category!

For crafts and DIY –
For food, fitness, and personal stories -
For all things baby including products, reviews, and advice -


  1. Just found your blog through Sunday Social! I am a Mommy to Be and it sounds like your blog is a bookmark-er!

    1. CONGRATS !! Thanks for stopping by! You will love it around here mom-to-be - on mondays we do fitness posts, tuesdays - firsthand mom stories, wednesdays- maternity fashion finds, thursdays - a mocktail of the week, and then tons of other stuff comes up like giveaways and reviews and roundups:)

  2. Just stopping for a visit via Sunday Social.
    I enjoy blogging for many of the same reasons you listed. It's been wonderful to me new people over the last 8 years that I've been blogging.
    It's also awesome to still be in touch with people I've known over the years too.
