Friday, September 6, 2013

Guest Blog Post: The Wise Baby - Favorites + A BumpBundle Giveaway!

Hey y'all! I am Lindsey from The Wise Baby - a chic and stylish resource for the savvy parent. When I am not chasing my fourteen month daughter around I spend my time researching baby products and curating exciting content to help expecting and new parents through this amazing journey called parenthood. Today I have put together just a few of my favorite products to share with you - narrowing down the list is near impossible but I hope you enjoy! thewisebaby-favorites-babybundle  
1 - aden + anais burpy bibs I under estimated my need for burp cloths in the early days but had registered for these handy burp cloth/bib combo and am so glad I did! They fit perfectly over your shoulder, are absorbent and come in lots of fun colors and designs.  
2 - HALO Sleepsack Swaddle Swaddling is definitely a learned talent and swaddling in the middle of the night for an overtired mama can be challenging... to say the least. Enter the handy HALO Sleepsack Swaddle with its built in swaddle and you instantly become a swaddling expert. As a mama passionate about safe sleeping, these are tops on my list.
3 - Cloud B Sleep Sheep on-the-go size The on the go Cloud B Sleep Sheep is the perfect size to clip to your carseat, stroller or play yard. It has the same four soothing sounds as the full size version but is a bit smaller and more portable. Having this cute little sheep around for an impromptu nap or to drown out a noisy restaurant is pretty awesome.  
4 - Skip Hop Pronto The Pronto is life changing for diaper changes while out and about. You can store everything you need for a successful and cleanly diaper change in this handy clutch. For more details, check out our review but basically it is one stop place to house and organize all your diaper changing needs. Obviously great for diaper changes but equally as great for keeping your diaper bag organized.  
5 - Dapple Bottle/Dish cleaning soap Admittedly, I didn't know bottle cleaning soap existed until after my daughter was born. I found myself with a sink full of dirty bottles thinking - should I use regular dish soap? I came across Dapple and absolutely love it. It is great for bottles, breast pump parts, toys and anything else that needs cleaning. This has become a staple in our house!  
6 - California Baby Super Sensitive lotion and body wash Every baby's skin is different and not knowing what our little one's would be like I decided to go with the all natural, California Baby Super Sensitive lotion and body wash. It is super, super gentle but effective. If your little one has sensitive skin or just brand, new newborn skin these products are worth a try!
7 - Carseat Sidekick The Carseat sidekick was brought to my attention after my daughter was out of the newborn stage but, lucky for me, still in the infant stage. These ingenious little devices keep the carseat straps out of your way for a smooth entry and exit. I am looking forward to having these for baby #2 from day one.
8 - Wubbanubs Wubbanubs would definitely go down as my daughters favorite product. We have used these from day one and they have always been a hit. In the early days they were fun to look at for our daughter and easy for mom to find when dropped. As time went on they became easy for my daughter to place back in her mouth. I am dreading the day (which is coming soon) we have to give these up.  
9 - Hand sanitizer I have one of these handy travel size versions clipped to every bag that I ever carry and as well as on my stroller. You can never have enough hand sanitizer around when you have a baby - especially a newborn.
Wise Baby tip - refill with a full size bottle rather than buying actual refills!

These products are just a few of our very favorites but of course, being baby product lovers we have lots more.

Follow along at The Wise Baby for detailed product reviews, baby registry guides, real moms features and much more! Also head on over there for a review of the second trimester BumpBundle and enter to win one of your own below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would choose the Breastfeeding Bundle.

  2. The Third Trimester Bump Bundle is the one I would choose.

  3. the breastfeeding bundle would be great :)

  4. I'd choose the Baby Bundle for Newborn Babies. This is a cute idea!

  5. I would like the third trimester bundle.

  6. I would choose the newborn baby bundle for my sister-in-law (currently pregnant with twins!)

  7. That's a tough one... Baby bundle, probably.

  8. I would choose the breastfeeding bundle!
