Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A day in the life of a mom....what are my life goals?

We all need to step out of our comfort zones every now and then and often fashion is the easiest way of achieving that! This was my train of thought a few weeks ago while looking at the sales rack at Ann Taylor Loft. I had seen this jumpsuit online and thought it was cute but didn't think I could do it...I wasn't brave enough.

So when I saw it was reduced once again I sent a message to two of my friends and the conversation went something like this:
Me: Should I get a jumpsuit? Go!
Friends: Yes!
Me: Okay I'm going to do it.
Friend: Is it a short one?
Me: No! I'm going crazy but not that crazy (I never wear shorts).
Friend: I think you should do it, short or long they are fun except for going to the bathroom!
Me: Maybe I will make it a life goal to wear a short jumpsuit.
Friend: Dream bigger than a jumpsuit when talking life goals girlfriend!

And for some reason that comment, although said in jest, really made me think. What are MY life goals. I know that I want to be a great mother and the best wife I can be. But what do I want to achieve just for myself. I think buying a jumpsuit is a teeny tiny thing in pushing myself, as is signing up for 5K runs but if I really, really think about it what are my life goals? I know if I were to ask my husband this question I would have to pull up a chair because the answer would be that long and that detailed. Is this another one of those man vs. woman things? Or is it just me?

So my first goal is to wake up each day and come up with at least one thing that I am going to do for myself. That I WANT to do for myself. It doesn't have to be huge. Because I think the biggest mistake we can make as mothers, as women, is forget ourselves thinking that is a good thing, what we need to do when the truth is that when you know and take care of ME it will be better for everyone else in your life.

And that is a day in the life of a mom....a pensive mom today who if you are wondering, DID buy the jumpsuit!

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