Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Baby Hugh HATES...

his play yard! The little man is getting to the age that you LITERALLY cannot turn your back for two seconds. Monday was a rough day and my mother in law stopped by and suggested that we set up the play yard that we had when our dog was a puppy. I know, I know it sounds bad but when I did some research the one we had been given was actually one for human children not the canine kind so I am not the worst parent ever.

I thought it was a pretty sweet set up; his own private space if you will. Playmats squished in to protect his little head if he tried to pull himself up and a nice smattering of toys to keep him entertained. In goes baby Hugh and within 15 seconds the tears arrive. It turns out he doesn't like his personal space and would much rather crawl around with a particular focus on finding sharp corners and steps.

I know it is not going to be easy, and I comfort myself with the thought that one day he will have a sign on his bedroom door saying No Parents Allowed! and privacy will be everything. But for now I am going to have to work on positive association with the play yard. For his safety and my sanity!

1 comment:

  1. Omigosh this is so funny. I'm sure he'll learn to like it...hopefully! Thanks for linking up! :)
