Friday, July 26, 2013

A day in the life of a ROYAL mom....

I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to be a Princess. 

I know what it is like to be a woman that has had a baby and I kind of remember what it was like the day after I gave birth; it was nine months ago and the memories are already foggy. 

I know that I wore my PJ's leaving the hospital and that I was in a wheelchair. 

So as I am watching Kate Middleton walk down the steps from her hospital bed 26 hours!!! after giving birth, I was so impressed by her and at the same time my heart went out to her.

"Here it goes" is all I could think as the entire media world was lying in wait...people (I know that includes me) are going to be freaking out about what she is wearing, how she looks etc. etc. I immediately noticed her dress, how beautiful it was and how it was not the normal smock covering the remaining baby bump but actually seemed to emphasize it! 

And so it was that I fell even more in girl crush love with Kate. This is her body and she seems cool with it AS SHE SHOULD DO! She is stunningly beautiful and like us all is just trying to figure out motherhood except she has the world watching her. 

Of course social media freaked out about "the BUMP" but I am hopeful that it may have a positive outcome serving as an education for people that don't know that the weight doesn't disappear immediately and an affirmation for all us moms out there that while we may not be a Princess we are moms just the same.

Believe it or not, just hours after Prince George was born, OK!, a British magazine, started promoting a "Duchess diet and shape-up plan". Thankfully a well known figure in the UK, Katy Hill, freaked out on behalf of all women and is calling for a boycott of OK!. Who knows? Maybe this backlash will set things on a different path for the media attention on this new family and give them a shot to live life as normally as possible, given the circumstances.

And that is a day in the life of a ROYAL mom...a tad different to a day in my life but sometimes that is OK.

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