Friday, July 12, 2013

A day in the life of a mom....where did my baby go?

I realized this week that having a baby is similar to when you gain/lose weight. It is only the comments from people that haven't seen you for a while that make you take notice of the fact that your body has changed.

My little man will be 9 months tomorrow and while he is a far cry from a toddler he is definitely moving beyond babyhood. One of my best friends had her first child at the end of June and when I visited the hospital it blew my mind that Hugh was ever that size...she was sooo tiny!! There was no way Hugh was ever so small, right? WRONG. So how did this happen? Is it because I spend every waking, and sleeping, moment looking after him that I haven't noticed the fact that he is growing up so quickly.

Clothes really hit the point home. However it was a recent shopping expedition that really scared me. I saw the 12 months pjs on the hanger....

This is a shout out to the trending movie of the week Shark-nado!

...they looked way they would fit him, right? WRONG. They are already getting a little snug on his feet.

First time parents hear "enjoy it because it will fly by" a lot. The passers by are not lying. It does fly by. I feel like I was in hospital yesterday and now people are asking me what my plans are for his birthday. All I can think is holy crap he is nearly one...closely followed by holy crap we made it this far!!

And that is a day in the life of a mom.


  1. Awww... You should invent a machine that will keep him your baby forever! ;-)

  2. I agree! I can't believe my pregnancy is going by so fast, I can't even imagine when the baby is here!

    ps. I didn't realize you were in Boston, too!
