Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thirsty Thursday Mocktail of the Week: Frozen Watermelon Lemonade

Frozen Watermelon Lemonade
By Lauren from Much Ado About Somethin

Ingredients (for 1 tall glass)
1.5 cups lemonade (I used Nantucket Nectars)
1 cup frozen watermelon cubes
3-5 ice cubes

Cut watermelon into small cubes and freeze until hard (several hours).
Remove as many seeds as you can before you freeze!
Add ingredients to blender.
You can add more or less ice to get the desire "freeziness".  I ended up using 3. 

Last week’s drink was:
Thirsty Thursday Mocktail of the Week: Ultimate Summer Picnic Punch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing at the Say G'day Saturday linky party. I'm pinning this right now!

    This week's party has just started so please stop by and say g'day soon!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz
