Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A day in the life of a mom.....worried....

Towards the end of my pregnancy my mantra was "let the baby just be healthy, let the baby just be healthy". Once the little man arrived I was relieved; he was on the smaller side, had an "interesting" placenta but was healthy.

I am a self admitted nervous nelly but have really tried to be a relaxed mother, well, as relaxed as a first time parent can be. That all went out the window when I spoke to a nurse at my pediatricians office this morning. After a quick chat I got the reaction you never want to hear from a medical profession "oohhh that's not good. Your doctor is out of the office today but can you make 10:30am tomorrow?". I am sure that everything is fine. My son is just blessed with his father's metabolic rate and isn't gaining weight as quickly as he could/should be. He is healthy, happy, active, developmentally where he should be.

I know everything is fine. BUT for the rest of this day and I'm sure up until I walk out of the doctor's office tomorrow morning I will be worried. Simply because I cannot begin to imagine everything not being fine.

And that is a day in the life of a mom.

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