Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A day in the life of a mom...something is better than nothing.

I am blessed, and cursed, with an all or nothing mentality. It works in my favor when I have a goal in mind and against me when that goal is a pint of ice cream. Right now life is pretty busy; I am a mother to a 7 month old baby boy and a 16 month old goldendoodle, a wife, juggling two work at home jobs, cleaner, cook, and the list goes on.

Motherhood has taught me that sometimes something is better than nothing. So on days like today when I REALLY want to go to the gym but my puppy is giving me literal puppy dog eyes....see below for said puppy dog eyes...

I pack up the little man and the fluffy dog and go for a walk. Better that we get some exercise even if it isn't the real work out I had in mind.

And that is a day in the life of a mom.

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