Friday, May 17, 2013

A day in the life of a Mom.....

Baby Bump Bundle's Blog is introducing a new series to our Blog...A day in the life of a Mom. Our first post comes with a warning and a recommendation. The warning is that there is poop involved in this story. The recommendation is never EVER change a diaper without something underneath your little's one bum. Can you see where this is going? No? Okay let me break it down for you.

I am seven months into being a mother so maybe over confidence is beginning to seep into my diaper changes. Long story short I was being lazy and decided to do a "quick" diaper change on the couch and for some reason did not put the mat I normally use under my son's bum. Too late into the process I realized I didn't have the star of the show, the diaper, at hand. I put a wipe where it needed to be to prevent pee ending up on the couch while I took five steps to the left (he was barricaded in on the couch and going nowhere) to grab a diaper. Lets just say that's not where I needed the wipe. Without getting too graphic my wonderful son hadn't gone number two in two days. He decided the perfect time to do so was while he was lying butt naked on my couch.

What I love about being a mother is that if you had asked me a year ago what I would have done next I would have said cry and then clean the couch immediately. What did I do? Laughed at my giggling son, stripped him down and jumped into the shower (I was fully clothed) to wash him down and then put on the all important diaper.

Then I cleaned the couch.

And that is a day in the life of a mom.

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